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Has your child been diagnosed with AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD)?
- Impairment in social interaction or communication
- Repetitive behaviours or interests
- Poor social skills – unable to make friends with peers
- Poor eye contact and unaware of surroundings
- Unable to control their emotions – temper tantrums
- Follows rigid routines – gets upset when there are changes
- Sensory perception and regulation problems – eg. sensitive to noises, touch and
If your child has the above symptoms or is diagnosed as having ASD, our proven interventions can make a significant difference! Early intervention can make a lifetime of difference.
23 July 2021
Dear Friends and Patients
Thanks for your support especially in times like we live in right now. We are so grateful and appreciative that we can still continue to serve you.
I am delighted to inform you that Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic has been selected as the AUTISM NATUROPATHIC CLINIC OF THE YEAR 2020-22 – SINGAPORE
I am extremely pleased to announce that we have been successful in winning the award three years running for:
We could not have done it without your continued support for the last 32 years.
Below is the article published in the Corporate LiveWire Prestige Awards publication earlier this month.
Yours in Health,
Dr Sundardas D Annamalay
Watch and Read the TESTIMONIALS below
Autism Testimonial – Louis Er
Autism Testimonial – Mohammed Muhiddin1
Autism Testimonial – Mohammed Muhiddin2
Autism Testimonial – Sayge Tay
Autism Testimonial-Chad 1- Philipines 2013
Autism Testimonial-Chad 2- Philipine 2013
Autism-Jackie & Robielyn-Philippines 2013
Testimony-Asher and Isaac Tan Audio
A Note of Thanks to our Great Benefactor – Dr Sundardas
Several years ago as a young mother, I was greatly troubled with the many health maladies of my sons. One of them, Asher, was a very asthmatic child and the other, Isaac was plagued with all kinds of allergies and was suspected to have Asperger’s syndrome due to his obvious social handicap……
My once asthmatic son has totally recovered from a condition that his pediatrician has told us emphatically that there was no cure. He now engages in all kinds of sports and outdoor activities. My son is now a sergeant of the Singapore Arm Forces. While a college student, he was also in leadership position as a student counsellor. In a few months, he would commence his degree course in Singapore Nanyang Technological University. And all these accomplishments are that of a young man was once a child known to be allergic and autistic. Dr. Sundardas is a compassionate healer who truly cares for his patients.
Rosalind Tan (Mother)
My Autistic son was diagnosed at 2 and a half years. He has severe intestinal dysbosis. Allergies followed and his behaviour was uncontrollable with tantrums, sound sensitivity, head banging, biting, withdrawn and extremely shy. He had no speech whatsoever, some babbling. He had sleep disruption at night. He went on gluten free, casein free, wheat free diet, egg free and within a few months showed improvement in behaviour when candida was eliminated. There were more improvements especially with sleep and within 3 weeks of taking NDF, he became alert at school, listened to instructions better and on the third week tried to speak to classmates, teacher and even started to sing-along. After a year, his diagnosis has changed to PDD. Speech is still delayed but getting better by the month. His awareness is almost 100%. Socialisation is almost normal. He plays well with other children of the same age.
Janet Ryder (Mother)
My son was nine when he was diagnosed as dyslexic. Remediation programmes at DAS and Enigma did not help. At eleven, we discovered he had Irlen Syndrome – …. His academic results had always been bad….. I met Dr Sundardas and he suggested a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA). This led to my son’s rapid recovery once Dr Sundardas knew what the problem was….Within 3 months of therapy, my son no longer sees printed words/letters as jumping. With the removal of mercury and other toxins from his body, my son has shown improvement in his memory and processing power. His reading improved and his handwriting too. … he is now able to move along with his peers in school.
Mrs Joslyn Chua, (mother)
When Aden first came to see Dr Sundardas in 2017, he was diagnosed with ASD and was hyperactive, had no eye contact, could not communicate and had no interaction with his peers. He was also impatient, constipated and was prone to hitting his head with his hands.
With Dr Sundardas’ naturopathic intervention which included change in diet, supplements and Craniosacral Therapy, Aden’s condition improved considerably.
After three months, he was more patient and he no longer was hitting his head. His eye contact increased, he could speak and was no longer constipated.
Within nine months of starting the treatment, he could focus, sit down quietly and he could go to the toilet regularly.
After one year, he was more compliant in Kindergarten. He could focus and his teacher could manage him.
At this moment, Aden can speak, sing, focus, pay attention at longer intervals and is very patient. He can even play the piano. (Please see video below.)
Thank you Dr Sundardas for all your help.
Aden’s Mother
Aden’s Piano Concert Performance at School in June 2024
Aden is a patient of mine who came in at 4 years old, ASD, non-verbal, hyper active, no eye contact, cannot interact with peers. He is 11 now going to a special school normal stream and plays music.
1 July 2024
Disclaimer: These services and qualifications are not medical/dental and do not fall under Singapore Health Services Act. All our naturopaths hold professional doctorates in naturopathy. Everything on this website is for developing education and awareness. No guarantees are made. Results vary on a case by case basis. All testimonials on the site are unique and individual. Please consult a qualified medical doctor or complementary health practitioner for your healthcare needs.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Autism affects some children and their families in Singapore. Children with autism spectrum disorder display mild to severe impairments in social interaction and communication. It is often accompanied by repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behaviours and activities. Early intervention, language therapy, Applied Behavioural Analysis and occupational therapies are few areas where children diagnosed with ASD are put on.
Naturopathy can be helpful in managing the condition a great deal because it focuses on the triggers. At Sundardas Naturopathic Clinic, our specialists look at assessments to identify and remove potential triggers. These may include balancing nutritional, metabolic, and environmental and immune system imbalances. Managing ASD is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but individualised and specific recommendations are made depending on the condition.